by slim | Aug 13, 2023 | Jobs
Doroub Libya Company, the exclusive and authorized agent for Hyundai Motors, announces the availability of the following positions: Misrata City: Car sales representative – receptionist / spare parts City of Tripoli: workshop supervisor – external sales...
by slim | Mar 8, 2021 | Jobs
Doroub Libya, the Hyundai agent in Libya, announces the availability of jobs for sales halls in Tripoli with all its branches: (Ras Hassan, 20th Ramadan Street, Tajoura Hall) Whoever finds himself the required competence and the conditions found in the link, send his...
by slim | Feb 3, 2021 | Jobs
Doroub Libya Company, the authorized agent for Hyundai cars in Libya, announces the availability of a group of jobs to work in the Tajoura Center/Tripoli. Whoever finds himself competent and required qualifications can fill out the form via the link :...